Thursday, June 25, 2009

Get your Free Iphone 3gs

you can get an Iphone 3gs for free, you only need 10 referrals and sign up for one offer.

It's easier than the Macbook pro but you still have to work at it.

I can also help you along the way if you need help, because i believe we all deserve free stuff, but in our society of money and profit, there isn't that many ideas out there. Except this one, or we can also get away from a monetary system, which there is a solution to this (A Resource Based Economy) you will find out more at my other blog.

just click the link above.
It is a whole lot better than we have now. I strongly recommend it.

For now you can do these offers and get free stuff.

1 comment:

  1. i need help getting referrals! i have like no friends or family willing to help me out! and i would feel kinda guilty by just making 20 new email addresses to take advantage. my referral link is

    thank you SO much in advance!

    my email address is if you want to email
